the Milkman(@dylegendairy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

James K 🙏 @NicoAubaLaca rentas Hilton Hoskins Terry Crews And did any of this happen because you were white? No? Then why is this relevant? You’re completely missing every point. I’ll pray for you though

Sarah Pitt ⚘(@SarahPi37977904) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TJ Hilton Hoskins Alex Kaplan If you had any clue how to research anything you would have found the senate report with tRumps phone call into Julian Assange, and 20 mins later TA DA! Trump arranged the emails and there is no face video. YOU HAVE JOINED A CULT. Go off to Q Town but don't drink anything 😋

@TJ0055 @hilton_hoskins @AlKapDC If you had any clue how to research anything you would have found the senate report with tRumps phone call into Julian Assange, and 20 mins later TA DA!  Trump arranged the emails and there is no face video. YOU HAVE JOINED A CULT. Go off to Q Town but don't drink anything 😋
Sarah Pitt ⚘(@SarahPi37977904) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Percy Cution-Complex ⓥ #tixerB #FBPE TJ Hilton Hoskins Alex Kaplan Masses of confirmation bias, refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't fit their narrative. You could give them 100s of articles of evidence and fact, and they will just stick to their fake documents and memes and call you a sheeple. I just can't fathom being that gullible

Cici(@Justforkicks271) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇺🇸Jess~ yayo Joseph Wethers Hilton Hoskins Terry Crews There’s been studies that show the healthcare disparity. For example doctors prescribe pain meds to Black mothers at a lower rate than white mothers during childbirth. This in turn leads to increased risk of complication for Black mothers and higher death rates during childbirth.

Teppec(@Teppec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Antonio C Hilton Hoskins Terry Crews Lol, Jordan Peterson. 'Astonishingly, Peterson argues that what was wrong with the Nazis was not that they were not civilized. In his view, 'there’s more evidence, I think, that they were too civilized.''

Sleve McDichael ➐(@phicksUSMC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Eric Espejo Hilton Hoskins ICE T The Marine Corps has a certain way of weeding out those not there for the right reasons. Most call it hazing or brainwashing. You can come from Alabama or Chicago and come out chewing skoal, smoking Newport’s and having a best friend that you would have otherwise never spoke to

yayo(@yayosayso) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇺🇸Jess~ Joseph Wethers Hilton Hoskins Terry Crews You believe discrimination is solved because of EEO, and I was referring to healthcare in terms of the medical care, not insurance. This conversation would be pointless.
