Generative AI Workspace Canvas — 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s official! On : You can now effortlessly generates fully editable Flowcharts, Wireframes, Visual Templates & Data Analysis - taking Generative AI to new heights! 🔥


AetherFang 🐉🖋️🍵(@TaniaRichter) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SeaJai14 @shovelingferret KatieBea Also I'm a disabled artist who can't work a 'real world' job due to my other disabilities. I really didn't need another one.

Dawn Martindale(@DawnGulick) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@shovelingferret Gabrielle Blair I like my PCP but he's basically worthless for anything mental health / alcohol recovery related Which I frankly find surprising Hell I put in an emergency call to him about my depression/anxiety medication 2 weeks ago. Stopped by his office when I had lab work done. No call yet.

Designs by Hanna Gough(@GermanderCC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@shovelingferret @S_L_Layland @LouiseTilbrook1 I don't know why they persist. Demanding inclusivity from a craft business (sorry, 'community') is not bullying.

I Swear I’m Gods own sitcom(@Shuff154Lea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There is no Dana, only Zuul @shovelingferret CZEdwards There are a lot of people here who know that I think that way. But, they all claim it’s because I have mental issues. Which is funny. They are the reason I have the mental issues.

Francis Wild(@FrannyWild) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Blahblah @shovelingferret READY PLAYER ONE -#Resist2.0-Tasha🇹🇹🇺🇸 Matt Barnum Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR) Have you read the description in that go-fund-me request? It reads like boilerplate. This is tentacle of the organized crime syndicates attempting to overthrow our democracy.

Wake up! Extremists = tools of Mobligarchs.

Justine(@adancingferret) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FYI I’ve changed my handle from “shovelingferret” to “adancingferret”
Because dancing will always be better for me than shoveling ever was 😀

Michael Cassidy(@MP_Cassidy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@shovelingferret DoneHat I hope you turned this into an NFT before posting this. If not you have just lost many bitcoin.
