notsofast(@notsofast) 's Twitter Profile Photo

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 ) I like draft the most, I try to get out to play sealed when a new standard set gets released, and ofc edh. built some legacy decks but too scared to play really competitive (I have parallel for that)

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 )(@Christo54585859) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ξ Ty wif is a dog with a hat on full stop thats the entire meme. The actual meme is that number go up and make people money. Only ct ppl argue about how memeable shit is tbh.

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 )(@Christo54585859) 's Twitter Profile Photo

LilMoonLambo DJ Akademiks Ya nice bait get everyone talking shit that your a pedo, deadbeat dad with a hidden daughter then don’t respond right away with receipts and just make a song about it 48 hours later and be like got you after the damage is done. Low IQ manipulation either way.

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 )(@Christo54585859) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MH_rAma Ansem 🐂🀄️ anytime u get top accounts fudding to shill there own shit just sucks man.. like your already rich why you gotta beat us down like that. People are always gonna talk shit if your a huge account so I dont think thats really the problem here..

notsofast(@notsofast) 's Twitter Profile Photo

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 ) yep the game is better than hearthstone (its closest comparative), full stop. it's not MTG, no mid-turn interaction, but that doesn't stop it from being excellent.

yeah if you play ranked you win PRIME. I generally make 1-2 PRIME in a day I get all my qualifying games in

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 )(@Christo54585859) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Autism Supercycle I’ve never seen a coin receive so much fud, community sticks with it and have a comeback like this before shit is actually inspirational LOL sc is different man

satsdart(@satsdart) 's Twitter Profile Photo

christoph.eth👹(🅿,🅿 ) Awawat Maybe you can open a brokerage subaccount in usd and send it to there (never done this myself) conversions should be a lot cheaper from there
