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Jackie Meek You cannot. It’s all about a NWO. Once they let all the illegals in there’s no stopping them. Soon your country will be a third world nation unless something changes

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Matt Wilkinson Bee Wilde - #Unity4J ⌛️ #FreeAssangeNOW His answers are all rooted in paranoid delusions, I’d almost feel sorry for him except for the fact he’s an absolute tool. It’s like she wants him to fail by encouraging these suits. Better a widow than another divorce ehhh?

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Tom Watson Well I look at Diana’s other son who had far more provable invasions of his privacy and he turned out just fine. I think Harry is a spoiled self centered jealous egotistical narcissist who cannot take responsibility for himself. Wahhhh. It’s their fault. 🤦‍♀️

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Duche$$ Moaning Sparkle ✨ (Parody) ♛♕♔♚ Evans E. 🏳️‍🌈⚧ 👨🏿‍🏫 #KingCharles'Angel He’s not invited for so many reasons but the comments on the government went too far. KC3 can’t have him involved with anything that’s for the country. Maybe he’ll include him for his real birthday

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Agnes Princess NaomiSky15 Yes well they still had the queen 🫅 protecting them. They don’t have many allies in the RF now. It’s wrong if he wins over who he is rather than what he’s proven.

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Ada Lluch 🇪🇸 As an American, I find it all absolutely appalling. If my kids were still in school, I’d pull them right out. I haven’t seen it in Florida schools but we have some liberal spots further south that may try it. DeSantis will crush it.
